Friday, January 12, 2007

What's wrong with winter?

Where is snow? Why are you dressed like this? Is it possible that climate is changing so fast? I hear questions like this all the time these last few weeks. And anwers? In Jordan. Because there's spring outside. Yes.

I think we can all agree that this is not a joke anymore. Nature is striking back and it can be very fierce. If you're thinking about resistance - forget it. Maybe we should go to the Moon. At least we didn't fuck up anything up there. Because we haven't been there. So they say. But the truth is probably somewhere in between. Like always.

One of these days I was staring at my closet and wondering where should I put 30 plastic bags. No, we can not recycle them. Not here. The Green Piece od Europe. Hmm. We've signed the Kyoto protocol, stroke our chest once or twice and fell asleep. No problem. When we fuck up the Moon Mars will be waiting.

Gaia, I'm sorry!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas - The Slovenian Way

Watching the news yesterday again I was ashamed about being a citizen of my country. I was ashamed that I'm living in a beautiful country where ugly things happen. But hey, things like this happen all around the world. Still I can be ashamed.

I was ashamed that we have media that are talking about promoting democracy and peace but doing just the opposite. But hey, things like this happen all around the world. Still I can be ashamed.

I'm not ashamed about who I am and what I'm doing. And I say it loudly and proudly. And I allow other people the same freedom that I have. But still I can not understand that there are people who see the world as a shitty place. But hey, things like this happen all around the world. Still I can be ashamed.

Truth. Simplicity. Love. Maybe we bump into eachother on the street not even knowing about one another. But hey, things like this happen all around the world. So it can happen in sLOVEnia as well. Still I can be ashamed.